Sunday, January 3, 2010

10 Things That Make Me Happy

List 10 things that make you happy, and try to do at least one of them today. Link back to the person who tagged you, and then tag 10 other bloggers who brighten your day.

1. My husband! I love being with him. I never get tired of him, the happiest thought I have is that I get to be with him for eternity.

2. Number one and two tie in together...I love the gospel. It fills me with such joy and happiness. There is never a time when I read scriptures or talks and don't come out of it feeling good. The knowledge and testimony of my heavenly Father and Jesus Christ make me so happy.

3. My Kenny and my Anna make me so happy everyday! Even if the day isn't going well, I think to myself: I'd rather have a bad day with my kids, because a bad day with them is better than any day without them. It's hard to put into words, I guess.

4. This might sound superficial, but shopping makes me happy! I don't even have to buy anything, although I would prefer to. I love to shop!

5. Reading is my most favorite hobby. I love reading, a good book makes me happy!

6. My me time makes me happy! If it's a rough day, Gordon watches the kids or takes them out, and I can sleep, shower, read, and/or watch my recorded 7th Heaven and What Not to Wear. It may be selfish, but my me time makes me happy!

7. Holidays make me happy! Gordon gets time off work and family comes to town!

8. Surprise dates, presents or secret service! My husband if wonderful at making me happy and doing these things!

9. Babies make me happy, I love when friend and family have new babies! Babies are always happy!

10. Eating makes me happy...a Panda Express meal, and I am all smiles!

This tag came from Becca. Thanks!

I'm tagging:

I don't know 10 people, and most of the people I know have been tagged by Becca, so I will tag the remaining two people I know:

Jen Evans


Amber D. said...

#9. Glad I could make you happy! lol

Becca said...

you're so cute- YOU make me happy!