The kids are obsessed with the ice cream truck, so whenever we here it we run out, this is their first ice creams from the ice cream man!


First time swimming in our little kids pool

Monday night = carousal, it's always our FHE activity

My girls playing


This is Kenny watching Peppa Pig...not a pose, this is really just how he sits on the couch to watch his favorite cartoon!

This is how Anna goes bed shopping

We went to the aquarium, but the kids weren't really liking it after a kid starting screaming, but got a little more into it again toward the end.

Gordon loves this picture, this is how we often find Sadie and have to adjust her!

Sadie sits in the shopping cart like a big girl!

Anna is very good at sharing, and on this day decided to surround Sadie with all the stuffed animals!

Anna and Sadie

Anna before church

Kenny and Anna...we try to do mini photo shoots, but my kids are sooo not into them, the Garner gene skipped out on my kids, so these are as cute as they get!

Sadie baby before church

Kenny and Sadie before church

Me and my girls at the park. We were waiting for Kenny's friends birthday party to end, and Gordon found this fun park to pass the time!

Kenny's first day of pre-school!!!!! He is such a big boy now, I love hearing about what he learned!

Mercury game! It was totally awesome, we were like two rows back right behind their bench! I high fived like every cool player on their team when they came out after halftime, definitely the best game I've been to!

Sadie is a crawling machine now, and has even pulled herself up twice, watch out world!

Sadie loves to play in Anna's room, and it gives me a little time where I don't have to hold her, so I love it too!

Yes, she still sucks the thumb!


Me and my Anna Boo

Yes, this is what Anna does in the car, she is learning the workings of her seat and is so proud of herself when she does this!

It's fun that Kenny is older and he can have friends over to play...even if he is a booger sometimes!

My Anna angel

Kenny is his Halloween costume!

Anna modeling her Dora hat

These pictures are so cute! :D I love all of them. Your kiddos are growing up so fast - they're all adorable! :D
Oh my! They are getting so big!! :) And they are just sooo adorable! I can't wait to see you! (Whenever that may be!)
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