Friday, October 23, 2009

Playing Together

Here are just some pictures of Kenny and Anna playing together, now that she can sit, it is much easier for her to play with Kenny. I am such a happy mommy! Kenny and Anna are angels together; he has never even hit her once in his whole life, and she is such a chill baby, content to sit and play. I really got off easy with these two. Some of their favorite activities together include: blocks, basketball, and playing cars. In these pics, however, Kenny is playing with Anna while in his old walker, they are playing blocks, and Anna is tickling Kenny (or rather, touching him, and he laughs), and then they are playing on our bed togther. It is so fun to watch them!



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1 comment:

Anie said...

So cute! I love those kids! Although yesterday Kenny called me Se-fah-me and I was so sad! He has to be little forever and call me Shoomit! haha